Final Fantasy XIV Beta Key Giveaway

Explore the new Eorzea courtesy of ZAM and Square Enix


Obviously, this Elezen can afford to be smug, he’s in the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta, after all. Having played ARR myself I can confirm the buzz around the game: the improvements since 1.0 are wildly apparent throughout.

But why take my word for it?

Thanks to Square Enix and ZAM you have the chance to see this exciting new world for yourself.


ARR needs you to help with the final polish in beta before the game launches on August 27.

All you need to do to get your beta key is go to our giveaway page, grab your code and follow the link to redeem it. If you do not have a Square Enix account already, just follow the instructions when prompted. For further clarification, go to this page here for more detailed instructions and additional links–including the client download information in the beta forums.

The codes are restricted to PC users in North America.

Our stock is not unlimited and, with so many clamoring to try the game for themselves, we don’t expect them to last long.

So what are you waiting for? Go now!