But what is the scope of the problem? A simple character search can help us catch a glimpse on it. One of the most common names used by gil sellers is “Goldceo” followed by a random last name. That’s something every player notices every day, and it’s very doubtful that any legit player would ever use such a silly name.
Final Fantasy XIV has a handy web based character search feature that allows us to know just how many “Goldceo” are crowding the game’s servers. You can find the result here.
The list is truncated at last names beginning with a “S”, because it can display only 1,000 results at the same time. This means that there are over 1,000 “Goldceo” characters in the game, and all of them or nearly all are dedicated RMT tools. If we consider that “Goldceo” isn’t even the only name used for the purpose, it’s easy to see that the problem has spread to an extreme level.
Square Enix has been making considerable efforts to fight the issue since the times of Final Fantasy XI, even getting to the point of creating a “special task force” of GMs dedicated exclusively to root the problem out of the company’s MMORPGs, but it’s like playing whack-a-mole, and the manpower of the RMT industry as a whole seems to surpass what the Japanese publisher can put on the field.
Of course such a rampant RMT problem also indicates that the game is quite healthy, as RMT firms would not waste that kind of resources of a game that doesn’t guarantee them a hefty profit, but this isn’t exactly the first thought occurring to most players when they’re getting spammed by a gil seller peddling his wares. Hopefully, at the very least, Square Enix will implement easier ways to blacklist and report offenders, because that’s starting to be direly needed.
Update – October the 29th: apparently now the search for the “Goldceo” name only yields 40 results, hinting to the strong possibility that Square Enix’s Special Task Force pulled out the big guns and removed most of the offenders. We’re waiting for further information from Square Enix.