After overnight repairs a little bit, Final Fantasy XIV: Rebirth of the realm is back, his duties Finder and three fresh reducing the load on the server, and Square Enix ready to add more if necessary. Our connection nightmare should soon be over.
I called the re-launch of Final Fantasy XIV a disaster, I stood. Week and a half terrible congestion and server hiccup is not a good introduction. I have some very vocal folks claim that they have had no trouble at all into the game, as it goes live, which is great – I am jealous, even. However, a good percentage of the base game has no such luck. Square Enix has admitted that they give you seven days free game time, now server extensions.
They started with only three new servers, one for each region. Japan becomes pandemonium, North America Famfrit, Euro recommended server is Lich. Square Enix company will monitor the situation and, if necessary, add additional servers. I feel that the end of the time server list weekend would be great.
The new server plus a game the search party’s work changes in the way – this is region wide, now restricted to a specific server group – all localities should better experience.
I hope we can spend this weekend playing together, rather than trying to set up my fire with your mind. I’ll be working in Japan Durandal potential return Clawtooth Bard, or blood on my way in North America, Mr. Fahey Dragoon Sargatanas,.
It will be a bumpy ride, but there is hope in the end of the line. Well, lightning, at least.