It may seem as if everyone these days playing Final Fantasy XIV. Naoki Yoshida, producer of the scene in the latest letter, made it clear that although it is not for everyone, the game certainly attracted a considerable number. Since the launch has happened over one million unique login, when you consider that the game’s troubled launch of the historical average of 617,000 daily logins and 344,000 unique users, which is quite good concurrent peak.
But the development team is not concentrated only in the past. The game’s first patch is in the works, which is due to hit the live servers this year, it contains a lot of additional content. Will include housing, the game will be the first new PVP Arena and extremely difficult battle for each Primals. Patch will also include a new raw confrontation King Moogle MOG two dungeons, a new dungeon, daily tasks, random matching incentives, treasure hunting system, hard mode … a lot of things, in other words. So, maybe those ten thousand unique players are onto something.